Home > Educational Leadership, Educational Reform, Higher Education > Radical Reform of Higher Education is Inevitable

Radical Reform of Higher Education is Inevitable

By Ronald L. Trowbridge

Radical reform of higher education is coming whether we like it not. Clayton Christensen of the Harvard Business School argues that “disruptive innovation” will inevitably radically reform higher ed. Michael Horn, co-author with Christensen of several studies on higher ed, predicts: “I wouldn’t be surprised if in 10 to 15 years, half of the institutions of higher education will have either merged or gone out of business.”

This change will not seriously affect upper elite colleges and universities because there will always be enough wealthy students to attend these prestigious schools – and image does matter. What are the causes behind disruptive innovation?

Continued at: http://www.chron.com/opinion/outlook/article/Radical-reform-of-higher-education-is-inevitable-2418714.php

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