Home > Educational Leadership, Higher Education > How Campuses Can Use Predictive Analytics to Focus College Student Recruitment More Strategically

How Campuses Can Use Predictive Analytics to Focus College Student Recruitment More Strategically

By Sarah Coen

Data driven, data informed, metrics, analytics—it seems that, as enrollment managers, these terms are at the forefront of all that you do. I recently read an article in Inside Higher Ed that addressed the amount of data that colleges and universities are trying to understand and make decisions upon. The terms “big data” and “actionable analytics” were used to describe efforts to make data-informed decisions that help more students enroll, persist, and ultimately graduate.

We are big believers in data at Noel-Levitz. As my colleague Peter Bryant says, “track everything that moves and don’t do anything twice unless you know it works!” We’ve been giving this advice to campuses for years, and it seems that in today’s competitive and economically challenged environment, more and more campuses are in agreement.

To be effective, though, you have to take action with data. You have to not just track everything that moves, but understand what those data mean. There is one type of data that helps many of our client campuses enroll students much more efficiently: predictive modeling.

Continued at: http://blog.noellevitz.com/2012/03/01/campuses-predictive-analytics-focus-college-student-recruitment-strategically/?utm_source=Strategies03142012&utm_campaign=optin&utm_medium=email

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