Home > Distance Education, Higher Education, Teaching & Learning > Strategies for Success for Online Co-Teaching

Strategies for Success for Online Co-Teaching

By Michelle Scribner-MacLean & Heather Miller

A co-teaching online environment has the potential to help more efficiently meet the needs of online learners and provide greater satisfaction for instructors. A well-trained pair of instructors can complement each other, meeting student needs in a timely manner, as well as providing students with the opportunity to view topics from different perspectives, and to gain more in-depth feedback about their work. Specific strategies for a successful online co-teaching experience, including: how to create a successful online learning community; achieve effective course management; provide systematic, in-depth assessment of student learning; and providing timely feedback will be addressed. Methods to improve upon one-another’s teaching strengths will be introduced as well as building community between your peer co-teacher and students.

Continued at: http://jolt.merlot.org/vol7no3/scribner-maclean_0911.htm

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